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Daniel Crooks



the static 17 shows a series of human movement in a fixed situation.

Capture and record the trace of passengers, taking the key frame of each action. The combine it together to tell a story about the activities is happening,

On the other hand, it is a kind of record method causes a collapse of space.

Static No.17 (algorithm P), 2011

the static 12 is about a man playing ' Tai Chi'. the artisit utilized the ' panorama' as the time method of recording.

it could acknowledge as a human movement is continuing and the space is keep extending in a single form.

beside, the middle part is also a transition intercept, divide a space become two parts.


Static No.12 (seek stillness in movement), 2011


1. A combination ceiling image

of the great hall in NGV and the

British museum. It is inspiration

works from Daniel Crooks, and it

is a method of combine different

space into a image.

2. duration of time (14 days)

This collage made from 14

photos and it is recording

two weeks whether at a fixed

location. Each frame represents

one day, and it keeps changing.

A concept idea was about

similar but different.

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